Charlton Marshall Parish Centre, The Close, DT11 9PA

Contact Pat Osborne 01258 453516

  • Monday to Friday 1030 – 1230 Coffee Drop-in.
  • Last Monday monthly at Coffee Drop-in, Stroke Association group
  • Tuesday – Thursday at Coffee Drop-in, Online Centre – computer mentoring and internet access
  • First Tuesday monthly 1930 Parish Council
  • Tuesday and Wednesday 1800 Bagpipe lessons
  • Second and last Wednesday monthly 1930 Charlton Marshall Art Society
  • Thursday 1400 – 1600 Art and Craft group
  • First Friday monthly 1300 Lunch Club
  • First Friday as announced 1930 Bingo

At the Coffee Drop-in stamps, cards, stationery, seasonal produce, home-made cakes, preserves, second-hand books, jigsaw puzzles etc. can be purchased.

You can also pick up copies of local free papers – Blackmore Vale Magazine weekly, Forum Focus monthly. You can buy Three Villages News monthly if you are not a subscriber (to subscribe phone Sue 01258 489895) and there is a photocopy machine available for use.

Bus timetables, local information leaflets and newsletters are available in addition to the information boards maintained by the Parish Council, Church, and local organisations.

At the Online Centre volunteers will help you get online or send emails. You can bring your own laptop or tablet if you need help using them whether you are a complete beginner or just need help with a new feature. For more details contact Paul 07752 138300.

The room is available for private bookings; there is a toilet and small kitchen.


Online Booking Now Available!

The Charlton Marshall Online Centre Team is pleased to announce that you can now book slots for free technical support and training at the Parish Rooms during Coffee Stop Hours.

At the moment, 30 minute slots are available every other Tuesday, but we’re hoping to add more slots as the Online Centre Team grows and their schedules allow.

Simply click on the button below or visit

P.S. whilst all training is free, donations are always welcome to help cover ongoing wi-fi and printer services.

Are you tech savvy? If so, would you like to offer your services?

If you’re pretty good with finding your way around computers, tablets, ipads or smartphones and would like to help local people who struggle with technology, we’d love to hear from you.

With our new booking system, you can volunteer your services as little or as often as you like.

Call Paul Hutchings on 07752 138300 for an informal chat if you would like to find out more about how you can get involved.